
The WTA Program is a WOCN® Society endorsed wound care educational program geared to non-specialty licensed wound care providers. The WTA Program helps increase more positive clinical outcomes, as it provides education to registered nurses, licensed practical/vocational nurses and other licensed professionals with an interest in wound care. The course is 12 weeks long and has high-level, evidence-based wound care education delivered through pre-recorded online learning modules, presented by Dorothy Doughty, MN, RN, FNP, CWOCN, FAAN, and Dr. Phyllis Bonham, PhD, RN, CWOCN, DPNAP, FAAN. inForm Care's Marcia Yvette Myers DNP, CNS, RN, CWCN will be your Course Coordinator, and will guide participants and teach you the necessary material through discussions, applied learning sessions and activities, and competency training and testing.

Major Content Areas Covered in the Course
  • A&P of Skin and Soft Tissue: Implications for Routine Care
  • Skin and Tissue Loss Caused by External Factors
  • Establishing Protocols for Prevention
  • Legal and Regulatory Issues
  • Physiology of Wound Healing
  • Systemic Factors Affecting Repair
  • Wound Assessment and Documentation
  • Wound Assessment and Documentation – Slide Study
  • Wound Management Guidelines
  • Topical Therapy: Guidelines for Dressing Selection and Slide Study
  • Assessment and Management Non-healing (Refractory) Wounds
  • Management of Ulcers due to Lower Extremity Arterial Disease (LEAD)
  • Management of Ulcers due to Lower Extremity Venous Disease (LEVD)
  • Management of Ulcers due to Lower Extremity Neuropathic Disease (LEND)

The WTA Program prepares participants with competencies that they can apply to their
practice immediately upon completion of the program. These competencies are assessed
through the online multiple choice and case scenario exams, as well as hands-on skills return
demonstrations. Course participants are expected to demonstrate knowledge and skills in the
following areas:

  • Pressure injury risk assessment and prevention
  • Basic management of incontinence-associated dermatitis and skin tears
  • Monitoring and documentation of wound status and response to treatment
  • Selection and application of products for wound care
  • Ankle brachial index (ABI) measurement calculation, and interpretation
  • Sensory testing with Semmes-Weinstein monofilaments
  • Application of sustained multilayer compression wraps; and application of Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT).

‍Upon successful completion of this educational program, the learner should be able to:

Course Coordinator: Marcia Yvette Myers DNP, CNS, RN, CWCN
Course ID: IC-WTA
32.25 Contact Hours for nurses
21.0 Continuing Competency Units for PTs and PTAs
Course Cost: $850

(includes course and course materials. Does NOT include certification through the WOCNCB, please see Credit Information below)

Credit Information:
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WTA Program Intro Video & Downloads

WTA Program Intro Video
WTA Program Brochure
WTA Program Outcomes Infograph
WOCNCB Certified Wound Care Providers Role Delineation Guide
The impact of the WTA program on a reduction in HAPI in acute care and decrease in VPE and supply costs in home health.


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Register Now or Later

When you are ready to register for a webinar, go to the continuing education page, fill out the course registration form, select from the available upcoming dates, and submit the form.


Next Steps

Once you submit the registration form you will receive an email with the information needed to join the virtual webinar. You will also receive an invitation by email to create your inForm Care portal account. You will need this account to access course-specific information, such as the post- test.